Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday Aidan!!!!!

Happy 3rd Birthday special guy! We love you so much and you make our lives so much more with your smiles, dance moves and lawnmowing skills :) You are always so happy and inquisitive you definitely keep us on our toes but I secretly love it and smile to myself when I have to remove all knobs and buttons from your room so you can't get into anything! You would spend all day everyday outside riding your bikes, collecting your rocks and playing in the pool. You love the water, dinosaurs, wonder pets, going shopping, going out anywhere really, amusement rides, the park but most of all rides on daddy's lawnmower. Happy Birthday sweet Aidan! xxxx

summer! July 2010

We are having such a great summer this year. The weather has been hot and perfect and the boys are making the most of our awesome yard. This is when we really appreciate having so much space and the boys are at an age where they get full use out of it. Aidan has been swimming up a storm in the pool in his floay suit and Jack is loving the pool this year as well. Our neighbours gave us an old swingset which we have done up and the boys spend their whole day outside playing on it, the new deck, riding their bikes, in the pool or just running non stop around the yard. It is such a great healthy lifestyle for kids and hope to keep it up for as long as possible until the "evil" weather arrives!!!!