Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Loon Mountain July 2011

Loon Mountain

Another stop on our day up north was Loon Mt. We caught the gondola to the top and did some hiking. Aidan tried "Euro Bungee" and we heading to Weirs Beach before home. Another great day!

Squam Lake

We spent the day in the North Country last weekend and drove around Squam lake, where On Golden Pond was filmed. We had just started our drive and we saw a Black Bear swimming across the lake with a big fish in it's mouth, very cool. It's a very pretty area and a lot of people have lake houses there but there is not much else around.

Monday, July 18, 2011

BBQ with great friends July 2011

BBQ with great friends July 2011

4th Birthday Cake - Dinoaurs!

All Aidan asked me for on his birthday was a dinosaur cake......of course. He didn't want the T-Rex mold tin you can buy, he wanted one with a volcano?? with lava?? and a lake???!!!Im sure he knows about my lack of artistic ability and was just trying to mess with me but Im also very determined that despite his food allergies he will have a birthday cake like any other kid and not a poor substitute. If you have a kid who is allergic to milk and eggs (among other things) you will know how hard it is to make a normal tasting cake. The actual taste I have pretty much figured out. People tell me they can't taste the difference and some even say they prefer mine, its just the decorating that needs some work :) I have a few years to practice before he really notices they may not be exactly like the ones you would get in a store but at least it tasted ok! Oh, and mummy will return all of your dinosaurs later honey!

Happy 4th Birthday Aidan!

Happy, Happy Birthday special guy! We hope you had a nice birthday! Notice the last picture of Jack making off with the haul! I know you wouldn't have it any other way :)

Happy 4th of July!!

Aidan may beat Jamie for the Roche waterskiing champion!

Happy 4th of July!!

Thanks to Scott for so patiently trying to teach Jamie to Waterski. I'm sure it wasn't your teaching that was the problem :)(Just kidding J)

Happy 4th of July!!

We headed out to the Behner's at Long pond. It was a beautiful day and the perfect way to celebrate. Thanks guys for being such awesome hosts, always great fun!!

Bike Riding summer 2011

Aidan got a bike for his birthday early in April. He loves it and we try to go bike riding most mornings. Jack is still a little slow, he likes to take his motorcycle but I have learnt to take the stroller for both him and his bike when he gets tired. Aidan doesn't get tired and can go a few miles now so we all end up with a good workout.