Thursday, January 5, 2012

Happy 3rd Birthday Jack!!!

Happy 3rd Birthday Jack!!!

Happy 3rd Birthday Jack!!!

o Where o Where has my little baby gone??? I remember when Aidan turned 3 only a little while ago and now it's my Jack! All of a sudden he seems so big! He is suffering from a bad case of the "I can do it all by myself" He is ready to do anything big brother does and can give daddy a mean tackle! He still has his baby side though, he loves his stuffed animals and his "huggy" and snuggling on the couch with mummy. He looks so sweet and innocent but man he keeps me on my toes and provides me with many challenges during the day! He is starting soccer next week, look out coaches! Love you sweet Jack, Jack!

Merry Christmas 2011!

Merry Christmas 2011!

Merry Christmas 2011!

Wow, Santa came to our house this year, he ate nearly all the cookies we left out and left wonderful presents for our family! Thanks as well to family and grandparents for their gifts as well, the boys loved all of their presents, they must have been extra good this year!

Christmas Eve - 2011

Our neighbours house at Christmas. I love looking out the window every night and seeing this, he does a great job. Our Christmas cards, making cookies for Santa and Santa's "haul" before the boys woke up and tore into it!

Aidan's Pre-K Christmas Concert 2011

Trimming the tree - Christmas 2011

Thanksgiving 2011