Monday, December 6, 2010

Santa's village 2010

Again we went off to Northern New Hampshire to Santa's village to see Santa and his Reindeer! It was of course cold and snowy but that is what it's like where Santa lives right??!! It was very crowded so we weren't the only crazy parents doing this trip :) but despite the long trip, kids in snowsuits (have you ever tried to change a diaper/nappy when your kid is bundled in clothes and snowsuits??), long lines, it was a fun day and Aidan got to ask Santa for his Christmas presents and had a very nice photo with Santa. Jack wouldn't have anything to do with Santa he actually said "Santa scary" but waved quite nicely on the way out. You actually go into Santa's house and your kids are the only ones allowed in at the time. Mrs Clause is there and Santa takes as long as you like, so it's much better than the mall!

1 comment:

WildRose said...

This looks like so much fun!