Friday, April 1, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday Jack!

Yes, I know Jack's Birthday was in January, I'm a little behind in my postings again! We did break our camera, which didn't help but we are on track again. We can't believe our "Sweet baby Jack" is 2! He has definitely hit "2" with a vengeance! He is slowly coming out of his shell and is a lot more confident now. Having Aidan as an older brother has definitely helped show him the ropes! He can be very cheeky and quite the little terrorist at times but his cuteness always wins us over! He is still so very loving and loves cuddly things and his stuffed animals. He also loves real animals especially dogs! He is so different to Aidan at the same age! Aidan was so physical and outgoing and Jack is so verbal and still quite shy. He can name a lot of different dinosaurs, sing songs and the alphabet, count to 20. He picks letters out of words and generally catches onto things very fast. We just had him checked out because his anklet roll in and he also "toes in" when he walks. This is partly why he walked so late. He is still not really steady on his feet but apparently there is no real problem he just has loose ligaments also known as double jointed! I have seen it is his fingers but didn't think it was related to his feet but his ligament are too loose to hold his knees and ankles straight up yet. They say its no big deal and he will eventually he will just be one of those kids that can bend in funny way??? may be of some use to him in the future who know's! He is still in his crib, he hates going to bed and still screams. I have asked him if he wants to go to a bed and he says no?! I think he still likes to be the baby! He in fact still screams for a number of reason which we work very hard to stop but although it is under more control than it used to be he will still let loose and have people holding their ears in pain when he does! I have no idea who else used to do this :) He is still the messiest eater in the world as well! He loves to run and play outside, he loves all the typical boy toys like cars, trucks etc etc. His favourite thing in the world is his big brother Aidan. I'm so lucky they get on so well and are lost without each other. A couple of times I have taken Aidan out without Jack and he just screams at the window when we leave :( it's so very sad! He loves movies, especially "cars" and "ice age, dawn of the dinosaurs" and will ask for one most days. He says "Pleaaase" and if I say "No" he yells "BUT I SAID PLEASE" so funny and hard to keep a straight face. He then storms off and says "I'm Mad"!! I have to get it on video! He gets so excited to go places and do things just like Aidan, he hates being left out of anything. He loves all of the museums, play places, shopping or any outing! We are having so much fun with our little guy and are looking forward to another fun summer with the 2 best little boys in the world!

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